A Trip to the Beauty Salon in the Era of Social Distancing

Because I want all of our Hitomi Dental Office patients to stay safe and healthy during this difficult time, all of us at Hitomi Dental Office practice Social Distancing. As our website describes and I have posted early, Hitomi Dental Office staff are very meticulous in assuring that our offices maintain the highest degree of hygiene…both people and office equipment. Since Sunday is my only day off, it is usually a time when I shop, visit family and once a month get my hair done, AKA color the grey. Needless to say, those trips to the beauty salon are not possible these days, so yesterday my daughter, Misumi (5th year dental student) was my substitute hair dresser.  Everything went well. I got my hair done; maintained my Social Distancing and got to drink a beer as Misumi worked her magic. Overall, not a bad day. All of us at Hitomi Dental Office hope you all stay safe and healthy.
