Cabin fever is defined as “being isolated in a one place for a long period of time.” Some of the symptoms of this syndrome are restlessness, lethargy, eating to much, etc. Sound familiar? I’m sure many of you are feeling this during the current Covid 19 State of Emergency here in Japan. Although we at Hitomi Dental Office continue to be busy since many dental offices in the area have closed, I spent the recent stretch of Golden Week Holidays at home. Although it was only a short period of time, I think I had a touch of Cabin Fever. That’s when I turned to a list of things to counteract Cabin Fever…use your brain…do something different. Therefore, one of the things that I did was change the look of my eyebrows. I’m not sure if that was using my brain more but it was certainly different.I hope all of you are not getting Cabin Fever and are staying healthy. Remember that we at Hitomi Dental Office are open during the State of Emergency to make sure that our patients, current and new, have access to professional dental treatment during these challenging times. As I have described in previous blogs, Hitomi Dental Office is adhering to a strict protocol of cleanliness to make sure our patients and staff remain safe and healthy.
May 9, 2020