A Great Endorsement of HDO.

As many of you may know, Hitomi Dental Office has a very large proportion of patients from various countries who are looking for the services we provide, but also want to be able to communicate with their dental professional in English. This, as the saying goes, is a two-edge sword. On one hand Hitomi Dental Office is fortunate to have a constant influx of new patients, but on the negative side, since many of our patients are in Japan for a certain period of time, we also have to sadly say good-bye to them when they return to their home country or get a new assignment. That is the case with Ejenenorb Okorn who is returning to the United States. But, with one of the most thoughtful displays on how Ejenenorb appreciated her treatments at Hitomi Dental Office, she chose to have her wisdom teeth removed before she left, instead of having them removed in America. Maybe not the normal going away gift but one that made Ejenenorb very happy…and us too.